Knud Henrik's diary 19 July 2006: Iringa and Isimila | |
Africa revisited
Last updated 2007.11.21 | Today we celebrated Theis' 14th birthday. He was woken up by the fabulous choir of his parents singing a birthday song.
It is often said that a picture tells a lot more than a thousand words. Nevertheless, the picture to the right tells only a very small part of the story. No single picture would ever be able to make justice. The area was huge and overwhelmingly impressive. The ground is mainly sandstone interspersed with harder volcanic deposits. Erosion has cut away some of the sandstone, but where a particularly hard piece at the top has protected the underlying sandstone a pillar is left. We took no less than 105 pictures of these fascinating structures ...
Back at Iringa we had some birthday ice cream and later a delicious dinner. Tomorrow we'll head for Ruaha National Park. Check back. By the way, the weather forecast for Copenhagen says above 30º C for the coming days. Here in Iringa, at an altitude of about 1600 m above sea level, the temperature is below 20º C. Quite a difference from the hot and damp Dar es Salaam. The sun is fierce, but in the shade or when exposed to wind it's rather cold. Going for dinner we all dressed up with long trousers, socks and pullover. Another thing, we are actually a little worried. On one of the local TV channels they use a map as studio background. The map shows Africa, The Middle East, a part of Asia and Europe. But Denmark is gone. Not the tiniest bit is left. Apparently, while we have been away, Denmark has been eradicated completely... Helloooooo, are you still there??? |